name!="home" && $page->template!="overview-page" && !$page->body && count($page->children)){ $redirect = $page->child->url; header("Location: $redirect"); } ?> Home

Special Events

There is always something happening at The Homestead, at the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and in the surrounding towns. These regional and local events provide ways to meet new friends or reconnect with old ones. All events on our calendar.  Check back frequently, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook for more updates. 

Special Events

Club Membership

Enjoy golf, tennis, fitness, spa, swimming or beachfront dining?  Join the club!  

The Homestead's Club membership options provide access to the activities and facilities you love.

Sign up for the next year's club membership typically is in March.

Club Ownership

Rental Owners

View advance reservations for your home. Reserve your home for your personal use. Submit a work order for your home to our maintenance team. Review your monthly statement.

Please note we are now accepting advance guest reservations to December 31 2019.

Rental Owner's Login

Fun Mother's Day Facts

You probably already know that May 12th is Mother’s Day. But what you may not know is how the holiday got started. Who’s the youngest mother in history? What’s the record for giving birth?  …   Continue Reading »

Heroes of Conservation: The Leelanau Conservancy

The Leelanau Conservancy’s mission is to conserve the land, water and scenic character of Leelanau County. Protecting farmland, preserving the shoreline and creating natural spaces for all area v…   Continue Reading »

Announcing Shoreside North

The Costs are Shared. The Memories are all Yours. Who doesn't want a piece of Lake Michigan real estate to call their own? But who can afford it. With Shoreside North, the answer j…   Continue Reading »